Organics and Orgasms

Posts Tagged ‘non-vibrating

When I started my foray into this “anal play” thing that I never in a million years thought I’d be interested in, I started with a silicone anal bead because I liked that it started off really small and I could take my time and insert as few or as many as I liked.

But I quickly got annoyed with how limited my interactions were with that toy. I wanted something that I could really feel filling me up. I wanted something where I could put pressure against the outside and feel it move inside of me. So I bought the Fuze plug, which is also 100% silicone.

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I was somebody who always thought that my ass had no place in sex, except possibly as something to grab onto for leverage. When I started thinking differently after a partner rubbed one of his fingers over the sensitive nerves of the pucker during the aforementioned using-my-butt-as-leverage during sex, I had to put in some effort to getting over my squeamishness. The Ophoria Rapture Anal Chain was my first step in the anal direction. I was drawn to the Ophoria beads over any of the others because of the material and because of the shape, and this toy makes a great one for the beginning anal explorer.

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There’s this t-shirt, which sports a hand with only the ring finger folded down and the words “rock her with the… SHOCKER!” has been bothering me for the past week or so and I finally realized why. I have an interest in Americans’ sexual health. I spend a lot of time talking to women buying their first toy and who are so uncomfortable talking about masturbation and the things that they enjoy that we have a hard time finding them the right toy.

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  • mybuttkink: I do recall thinking on more than one occasion...that if I can draw our my masturbation play as long as I can, I'll have more sexual intercourse stami
  • harleypark: Thanks for responding! I think you're right that most people use masturbation as a tool for quick orgasm. Few of us spend a lot of time exploring ou
  • mybuttkink: JUST read your article and found it to be a breath of fresh air. I'm a guy, and I think in general, guys tend to use masturbation as a quick way to ge
